Here you can find the best extensions for Google Chrome.
All the extension are designed to work fast. 1 Click and mission complete.
No login screens, no options, no manuals, just click the extension button.
All of the extensions that you see here are open-source and safe to use. By using open-source software you can be sure that your data and your computer are safe. Nothing is run in background.
Most of the extensions today, make the browser experience to be sloooow. The revenue model is to sell users data or to mine crypto-coins using users CPU. We are different.
We follow Wikipedia, Google Chrome, and Bitcoin, and made all our code open-source. Every user is able to review the code and to check it's safety. All our extension are very light, and never works in the background. Memory usage is low. Our revenue model is based on a optional premium service.
We have one mission in mind: Save time to our users. That's why we called it 1Click Extensions. For example, the extension 1Click Save Screenshot let the user create a PNG image file in one click.
Our extensions have been downloaded by more than 250,000 users (25% Million), and counting!
How can I help?
If you enjoy the extensions, you can consider a small donation. Every dollar will help me to put more resources on the development. visit: Donate $5